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“Fear the Holy God of Israel”
Amid major denominations of the Korean church continuing to express their support for the ‘10. 27 Korean Church 2 Million Unity Worship Conference and Great Prayer Rally’, organisers expressed hope that the worship conference will be “an important turning point to safeguard the essence of the faith and a first step toward unity and restoration beyond the divisions in the church.”
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea, The Presbyterian Church of Korea, The Presbyterian Church of Korea (Baekseok), Korea Theological Seminary, Daehan Theological Seminary, Hapdong Theological Seminary, and Hanyoung Theological University each resolved to support and participate in the 10.27 Unity Worship Conference at their general assemblies in September. “The unity of the church is the only power that can stop evil laws such as the Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Act, and it will be an opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of the Korean church,” said Rev. Hyunbo Son (Segero), who first proposed the event.
This rally aims to stop the evil law and revive faith in the Korean church. “Especially after the recent Supreme Court ruling that allowed same-sex partners to qualify as dependents for health insurance, church leaders have decided to take action to stop the passing of the anti-discrimination law, which could lead to the legalisation of same-sex marriage,” the organisers said.
With the catchphrase “Healthy Families, Holy Nation,” organisers anticipated 1 million people to participate in the unity worship conference on-site and another 1 million online, a total of 2 million people. “This will go down as the largest united prayer event in the history of the Korean church,” they said, adding that in addition to the denominations that have already expressed support, many more are continuing to express their intention to participate.
“The holy alliance will save the Korean church,” said Rev. Jung Ho Oh (the president of Holy Breakwaters), who called on denominational leaders to participate. “Through this conference, the church will commit strongly to oppose homosexuality and uphold biblical values.” Professor Gil Won-pyeong (Handong University Distinguished Professor), who will speak specifically about the dangers of anti-discrimination laws, expressed concern about the possibility of legalising same-sex marriage, saying, “If the anti-discrimination law is passed, Korean society and even the church will be in serious crisis.”
The unity worship conference, which emphasises social responsibility and religious commitment, aims to raise 20 billion won to support organisations that care for young people preparing for self-reliance, North Korean defectors, and single mothers. “The donations will be used to provide practical support to the underprivileged, demonstrating that the Korean church is not only faithful but also socially responsible,” the organisers said.
A blood donation campaign will also be held concurrently. By spreading the culture of blood donation and forming a social network, the church will fulfil its social responsibility in addition to prayers. They will translate their faith into concrete actions and provide concrete help for marginalised groups such as youth preparing for self-reliance, North Korean defectors, and single mothers. (Source: Christianity Today)
When they see among them their children, the work of my hands, they will keep my name holy; they will acknowledge the holiness of the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel. Those who are wayward in spirit will gain understanding; those who complain will accept instruction.” (Isaiah 29:23-24)
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:11-13)
God, we thank You for bringing Korean churches together in a holy alliance to pray for the defence of the essence of our faith at this time of heightened crisis in anti-discrimination legislation. Grant that all Your saints may wait and desire for the day of God with holy acts and reverence and be alert against Satan’s evil schemes trying to destroy the church and society through opposing God and the truth. In the 10.27 united worship conference, as the Korean church humbly seeks Your favour, may those whose hearts are confused be instructed by the sight of the holy and living God and fear You. Lord, please work beyond this one great unity great conference to bring about a true restoration in the Korean church, so that we may be renewed in Your Son and truth, looking and praying for the eternal kingdom of God.
Prayer 24·365