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[China] Travel to Abroad? “Not Allowed”…Calls to Teachers to Hand in Passports

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 CCTV纪录 영상 캡처

“Lord, You have gained glory extended all the borders of the land.”

As the Chinese government strengthened restrictions on overseas travel, it asked teachers to hand in their passports. The intention is to prevent teachers in charge of students’ patriotic education from being influenced by Western ideology or trends.

The Financial Times (FT) reported on the 7th that China’s “personal overseas travel management” has been extended to schools, universities, local governments, and general employees of state-owned companies this year. At least six regional education offices, including Hubei Province, Anhui Province, Sichuan Province, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province and Henan Province, have asked teachers to hand in their passports this year.

Teachers in these areas must submit their applications to school before going on an overseas trip. Even if approved, the application is limited to “less than 20 days, one-time travel.” Refusing to hand in their passport or leaving the country without permission can receive additional criticism and education or be handed over to an anti-corruption agency for a two to five years of travel ban.

“Both teachers and public sector employees were told to hand in passports,” an elementary school teacher in Sichuan Province told FT. “If I want to travel abroad, I have to report it to the education office, but I don’t think it will be approved.” A teacher in Henan Province wrote on Chinese social media Xiaohongshu, “Major in English literature, visiting an English-speaking country has been my lifelong dream, but now I think that dream is going to be shattered.”

In 2003, China began restricting middle-ranking officials or higher from travelling abroad. The purpose was to prevent the leak of confidential information, but residents in sensitive areas such as Tibet lost their freedom to travel for more than a decade. Some regions began restricting teachers’ overseas travel in the mid-2010s, which expanded further this year.

It seems to be due to concerns that teachers who are influenced by Western ideology could adversely affect “patriotic and loyalty education” for students. The new “teacher travel restrictions” announced in March by the Ohai District Office of Education in Wenzhou City stated, “You should not contact Falun Gong or hostile foreign forces.”

There are also complaints from public sector employees such as low-ranking local government officials and public enterprises that are newly subject to overseas travel regulations. They are often restricted from travelling abroad even after retirement to prevent the leak of confidential information. (Source: Kookmin Ilbo)

LORD our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us, but your name alone do we honor. You have enlarged the nation, LORD; you have enlarged the nation. You have gained glory for yourself; you have extended all the borders of the land. (Isaiah 26:13,15)

Lord, we come before You against the Chinese government for its misdeeds in strengthening its rule and power through controlling the ideas and ideologies of the people and the next generations, and we ask the Lord to work in this land. Let the Chinese Church trust and call out only to the Lord God at a time when it deliberately blocks not only Western civilisations but also all channels through which the truth is transferred. Thus, despite all their evil deeds against the gospel, let them succumb before God who has gained glory for Himself and may You break down all boundaries on this land and renew it as a country where the gospel of the cross may come in and go out.

Prayer 24·365

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