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[Algeria] Owing to Persecution, Only One Church Remains

▲ 출처: Unsplash의 nasro azaizia 사진 캡처

“You, man of God, fight the good fight of the faith.”

As the Algerian government consistently restricts religious freedom, only one church currently remains, the report found. According to a report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the Algerian government is persecuting religious communities through Ordinance 06-03. This Ordinance recognises Christianity but contains provisions that restrict the conversion of Muslims.

People of the Catholic faith in Algeria are mostly foreigners and public practice of religion is significantly restricted. Attempts to evangelise have risks of prosecution or deportation and Christians of Algerian origin can face up to five years in prison. In addition, fundraising and philanthropy have been restricted since the Catholic charity Caritas Algeria was shut down in 2022.

The Algerian government shut down several large evangelical churches in 2019, and as of July 2024, only one church in the Algerian capital remains. In addition, Christians of Muslim backgrounds, especially those living in rural areas, are experiencing social persecution from their families, neighbours, and local religious leaders.

Relatives also block female converts from watching television or listening to the radio, to prevent them from being exposed to Christian broadcasts. Due to this social pressure, converts can experience domestic violence or even life-threatening consequences if they publicly reveal their religion. This risk is especially true in isolated areas, and many Christians continue to worship still in secret in 2024.

Christians who immigrated to Algeria from sub-Saharan Africa belong to various denominations such as the Anglican Church, Lutheran Church, Reformed Church, and Coptic Orthodox Church. In addition, the Algerian government criminalises blasphemy in Article 144 of the Criminal Code, and Ordinance 06-03 restricts religious practices and worship. Article 11 of this Ordinance criminalises evangelism and can be punished for soliciting or forcing Muslims to convert.

In addition, producing and distributing printed materials or audio-visual materials is also considered a crime and may result in 1 to 3 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 to 300,000 dinars (about 1,000,000 won to 3,000,000 won). Recently, the government sentenced a pastor in the Cavalia region to prison, and several church officials were also convicted.

Christian minister Yernaten criticised the Algerian government’s bureaucratic licensing process, saying that disillusionment with Islam has been growing in recent years. Yernaten emphasised the love, life opportunities, and freedom that Jesus offers, explaining, “Many people are leaving Islam and are likely to accept Christianity.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:11-12)

God, would You rebuke the rulers of Algeria, who pretend to recognise Christianity, yet persecute the church by continuously restricting religious freedom by law and ordinances? We declare that even though the government closes many churches, Jesus’ church established by the Lord will never cease to exist. May You accept worship services rendered to the Lord in secret and protect the saints. May You establish them as men of God who have faith in the word, fight a good fight to the end, and receive eternal life. Through their prayers and good testimonies, the righteousness and love of Jesus Christ may spread throughout Algeria, so that many people would follow the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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