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[Australia] Controversy Over Australian Christian School Banning Cross Necklace

▲ 출처: Unsplash의 Jurga Ka 사진 캡처

“Love does not delight in evil but always perseveres.”

A Christian school in Melbourne, Australia, has been controversial for banning students from wearing cross necklaces.

According to the Christian Post (CP), a teacher at Methodist Ladies College, a Christian girls’ school founded by Wesley Methodist Church in 1882, recently asked a student to remove the cross necklace she wore because it could offend others.

An anonymous student said, “One of my friends was wearing a cross necklace, and the teacher told my class to take it off because another female student was offended by the cross,” adding, “When my friend’s parents protested about it, the school responded, ‘It’s an act that doesn’t fit with our school.’”

Another student expressed concern, “This school is a Christian school but it listens to minor opinions rather than that of students of mainstream religions.” When the news spread, Murray Campbell, pastor of Melbourne Baptist Church, criticised the school, saying, “The school has alienated students as it pursues inclusivity. Ironically, Christian schools do not allow wearing crosses.”

Stephen Chavurah, a history instructor and author, told Sky News in Australia, “I want to praise girls who wake up to the bullies and fight against them. Wear a cross necklace or cross symbol when you come to school and send a message to other students, teachers, and the whole school that this is a Christian school and not a woke Marxist school.”

According to previous reports, the school asked some students to remove their cross necklaces, but it was revealed that wearing rainbow-themed accessories by other students was allowed.

In response to the allegations, Principal Julia Shea explained, “We are just applying a consistent dress code that prohibits visible jewellery,” adding, “This policy applies equally to all students and is not related to religion or individual beliefs. It promotes unity within diverse communities while ensuring that all students adhere to the same standard of expressions.” (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive)

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:6-7)

God, we lament over news from Australia that a Christian school allowed rainbow accessories symbolising homosexuality but banned cross necklaces with contradictory excuses that it would be unpleasant to others. Let the Australian churches wake up and fight with prayers for this land becoming increasingly sinful with laws opposing God such as euthanasia and legalisation of same-sex marriage. Let the faithful stand firm in the word of the Lord so that believers may not rejoice in injustice under any circumstances. Let them rise as the body of Jesus Christ that rejoices with the truth, endures everything, always perseveres and wins in Christ.

Prayer 24·365

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