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[Argentina] Evangelical Churches Celebrate the Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches for the First Time

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 ACIERA 영상 캡처

“According to your will, you have done this great thing.”

On the 29th, the Christian Daily International (CDI) of the United States reported that evangelical churches in Argentina officially celebrated the “Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches” on the 28th (local time), the Reformist Sunday.

The celebration at the Libertad Palace came after a law passed on April 18 that made Oct. 31, the Day of Religious Reform, an annual celebration after 20 years of efforts by the country’s evangelical churches. Several government officials, including Vice President Victoria Villaruel of Argentina, Cabinet Secretary Guillermo Francos, and Foreign Minister Diana Mondino attended the event.

During the event, the video clip of the history of evangelical churches in Argentina and their positive impact on society was introduced, particularly the history of evangelical female teachers contributing to the establishment of public schools at the request of former President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.

Evangelical leaders who attended the event honoured the dedication of the evangelical church that endured contempt in the past when it was branded as a “cult” and expressed the richness of evangelical culture by presenting various art performances, a choir of more than 100 people singing the hymn “Almighty Fortress” composed by Martin Luther and tango symbolising Argentina’s identity.

At the event, Christian Hooft, president of the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches of the Argentine Republic (ACIERA), said, “Today is not a religious festival, but a day celebrating the historical identity of the faith of millions of Argentine citizens.” He stressed, “Now about 15.3% of Argentina’s population is evangelical, and more than 25,000 churches are spread across the country, and these communities play an important spiritual and social role in Argentine society.”

“Also, Argentina is living in a long economic crisis, an enormous rate of poverty and cultural and moral degradation,” Hooft said, stressing that “To get out of this state requires a lot of effort and the commitment of everyone and of course the help of Almighty God.” He added, “The peace from God will shine a light on the way forward for us and bring us real peace.”

“The ministry of the evangelical church for the most vulnerable communities is an important pillar for a just and merciful Argentina,” said Chief Minister Guillermo Francos, who attended the event, acknowledging the social role of the evangelical church. (Source: Christian Daily Roundup)

For the sake of your word and according to your will, you have done this great thing and made it known to your servant. “How great you are, Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears. (2 Samuel 7:21-22)

God, thank You for making the Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches an official national holiday in Argentina so that the grace and love that the Lord has done for this land can be revealed. May this help the gospel of the Lord spread more powerfully. Let the Argentine church emulate the patience of the people who have sown seeds in tears in the past and serve with love and run with the gospel and prayer for the salvation of souls. Also, let the people humbly seek the Lord and experience great things from God in the face of crisis after crisis. We trust that the Lord strengthens those who seek the Lord and will keep His promises.

Prayer 24·365

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