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[Pakistan] Islamic Gangs Collude Investigators – Charges 450 Christians, 5 Die of Torture

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Voicepkdotnet 영상 캡처

“Through the fear of the LORD evil is avoided.”

Morningstar News reported that in recent years, Islamic extremist gangs in Pakistan have exploited allegations of blasphemy, unfairly prosecuting or implicating more than 450 people, five of whom were tortured to death in detention. On January 10, lawyers Usman Warraich, Imaan Hazir-Mazari and Rana Abdul Hameed held a press conference in the capital of Islamabad.

The Islamic extremist group, which seeks profits by exploiting the blasphemy law, conspired with federal investigators to inflict devastating damages on many families. They shared blasphemous content online, and filed false charges, blackmailing large sums of money to the families of those accused. The attorneys said that an organised gang was behind the recent surge in blasphemy cases.

A separate report by the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR), released in October last year, supports the results of the police investigation and details the fact that innocent people were being entrapped with the active involvement of officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FIA). According to the NCHR report, most of the victims belonged to the lower-income or middle-class levels.

More than 150 victims are held in Adiala District Jail on blasphemy charges, 170 in Lahore’s District Camp Jail and Kot Lakhpat Jail, and 55 in Karachi Central Jail. The gang recruited young men and women who befriended people on social media before luring them to a “safe house” in Islamabad’s G-8 sector.

“Young victims who were honey-trapped by the gang have been tortured with their clothes stripped after they were lured into the house, and the gang videotaped their ordeal,” Lawyer Warraich said. The gang has entrapped more than 20 young people across the country. Five people, including a 22-year-old woman, Fatima Jahangir, were subjected to torture that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, he said.

Through threats in court and agitations in community courts, Islamic extremist organisations make threats by bullying victims’ families and shouting slogans to pressure judges, then after the verdict, statements are made targeting them at mosques in victims’ communities to incite local residents, Waraich explained.

The attorneys and victims’ families raised these concerns to various government authorities. This matter has been brought to the attention of the president’s office, prime minister’s office, chief justice of Pakistan, Cabinet Division, Director General FIA, Ministry of Human Rights, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Law and Justice and leadership of all mainstream political parties. However, none of them has taken any action yet. They demanded that the federal government form an independent investigative commission in light of the reports submitted by the police and NCHR. They also demanded that all proceedings in these cases be halted until the investigations are concluded and that those responsible be held accountable. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the LORD evil is avoided. (Proverbs 16:5-6)

God, We pray that Islamic extremist organizations that exploit the law of blasphemy to entrap Christians and incite harassment to gain unjust wealth. May You rebuke the heartless and obstinate spirits of politicians who do nothing despite the appeals of victims’ families through various channels. May You shine the light of the justice of the cross on these matters. May You guide all souls with Your mercy and truth that they may be delivered from their wickedness before the Lord who despises the proud. Through the fear of the LORD of the Pakistani church, let evil depart from this land but the banner of the truth be lifted high.

Prayer 24·365

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