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[Lebanon] Joseph Aoun is Elected as President…Hope and Change Expected with the Election of an Upright Leader

▲ 출처: 복음기도미디어 사진 캡처

Views: 31

“The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.”

According to the online mission media Mission Network, Joseph Aoun, the army commander, was elected as the new president of Lebanon, ending more than two years of vacancy. The people celebrated his election and expected new hope and change. His election is evaluated as a historical event reflecting Hezbollah’s weakened political influence after the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah.

Aoun had the support of the U.S., France, and Saudi Arabia, and despite Hezbollah’s attempts to remain in power, he won by a landslide with 99 votes in the 128-seat parliament. Aoun is already well-known to the Lebanese for his political neutrality and integrity and is currently considered by many to be one of the most upright leaders in (Lebanon’s) history.

Lebanon has operated with a presidential vacuum for the past two years. The former president was elected with the support of Hezbollah and was viewed by the people as a puppet leader. Aoun’s election is expected to open a new chapter in Lebanese politics.

Lebanon has a unique political system that guarantees religious balance. According to the Constitution, the president is always a Maronite Christian, the prime minister is a Sunni Muslim, and the parliament speaker is a Shiite. “The presidential vacuum means that no Christians are leading the government, and Aoun’s election is an important step to restore this balance,” said Pierre Houssney, head of the Islamic missionary group Horizons International.

Aoun has expressed his strong will to allow Lebanon’s military to monopolise its power and plans to reclaim the remaining Hezbollah’s military power. This is coupled with the collapse of the Assad regime and the suspension of weapons supplies from Iran, which has weakened Hezbollah’s military power.

Since Aoun’s election, Lebanese people have felt new hope across national and religious borders. “Hope is unprecedented, and there is great joy as if the oppression has been lifted,” Husni said. He also stressed that the current situation extends the connection between the church and the non-believer communities.

“There is a level of change that goes beyond our dreams,” Husni said, “Whether good or bad, our prayers are that the spiritual door will remain open so that people can come to Christ.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be! Grain will make the young men thrive, and new wine the young women. (Zechariah 9:16-17)

God, thank You for the hope rising among the Lebanese people with the election of a new president, free from Hezbollah’s influence, after years of political instability and a two-year presidential vacuum. We trust that President Joseph Aoun was elected under Your sovereign hand, as You, Lord, save Your people like a shepherd rescuing his flock. Grant him a humble heart, a spirit that seeks truth, and the wisdom to lead with righteousness. In this pivotal time, raise up faithful witnesses in Lebanon as vessels of Your reign and glory, that they may reflect the power of the living God rather than mere religious balance.

Prayer 24·365

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