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[Europe] Revive Europe Conference, 2,000 Youth Participants from 75 Countries

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 CTS뉴스 영상 캡처

Views: 24

“Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.”

The 3rd Revive Europe Conference was held in Krakow, Poland from Dec. 28, 2024, to Jan. 1, 2025. Across Europe, from 75 countries, 2,000 students and young people longing for spiritual revival participated and it was recorded as the largest ever, Evangelical Focus recently reported.

The conference, held under the theme of “Prepare the Way,” included time to study the lives of John and Elijah through Bible words, lectures, seminars, and small group meetings and explore how God prepares God’s people through repentance, dedication, and prayer.

On Dec. 28, the first day of the conference, the thick fog closed Krakow Airport and all flights were cancelled. However, the participants did not give up and arrived in Katowice, Warsaw, and neighbouring countries before arriving at Tauron Arena after a long journey by bus and car.

Every night, hundreds of people gave themselves to Jesus, responding to invitations for repentance, dedication, and forgiveness, and experienced deep personal encounters. By preaching the gospel on campus, participants testified the signs of revival they experienced after participating in prayers in small groups. Testimony was shared that unprecedented levels of repentance, baptism, and participation in Bible study groups took place at schools known for their party atmosphere.

A keynote speaker Christine Caine of A21, an organisation dedicated to uprooting human trafficking, delivered a message that every generation requires their commitment. She said, “There are things you must do before you take over the promised land, and before you taste the revival. Each generation must have its own circumcision.”

Julia Garschagen, a campus minister, delivered her message under the theme of “good news, bad news.” She said, “The good news is that happiness is not the ultimate goal of our lives. Jesus himself is our ultimate goal,” encouraging students to bravely deliver the best news in the world to universities and friends. The participants prayed with representatives from different countries and devoted themselves to repentance and revival.

On Dec. 29 and 30, more than 450 participants took to the streets of Krakow to deliver the gospel boldly. Of these, 83 attended the evening assembly and several accepted Jesus. On New Year’s Day in 2025, the participants made concrete commitments. “It is just one aspect of the generation that God is building across the European continent right now,” the conference’s organisers said. “Europe is in a pre-revival state, not post-Christian state.”(Source: GNP Newspaper Edited)

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

God, we thank You for gathering students and young people yearning for spiritual revival from all over Europe at the conference. God, we thank You for waking them up with unprecedented spiritual worship and guiding them to give themselves to Jesus in repentance and baptism. May You lead and support through Your words not only those who committed themselves to Jesus but also the young people who are with them, so that when they return to their places of living they may continue their spiritual worship by living as living sacrifices that are pleasing to the Lord. May You ignite holy revival throughout Europe and on campuses through them. So, the land may be transformed into the land that lives according to the will of God and becomes the land of grace that welcomes Christ as the true saviour.

Prayer 24·365

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