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[France] Anti-Christian Attacks Decline, but Arson and Theft Targeting Churches Rise

▲ 출처: 복음기도신문 사진 캡처

“He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish.”

Although anti-Christian activity declined in France last year, Evangelical Focus recently reported an increase in arson attempts, fires at places of worship, and robberies at religious buildings.

According to the Territorial Intelligence Report obtained by France’s private radio station Europe1, nearly 50 arson attacks and attempts targeted Christian places of worship in 2024—a rise of more than 30% compared to 38 in 2023. In contrast, police reported that the total number of anti-Christian attacks fell by 10%, from 853 in 2023 to 770 in 2024.

In mainland France, two significant fires occurred. At the Saint-Omer Catholic Church, the roof and spire were completely set ablaze. Meanwhile, the Church of Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers caught fire at two simultaneous points, resulting in additional damage.

Thefts at places of worship have also increased. In 2024, 288 thefts were recorded—a 7% rise from 270 in 2023—averaging about five incidents per week at Christian locations.

The regions most affected include Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Île-de-France, Grand Est, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and Occitanie. Meanwhile, the Jewish community remains the most frequently targeted religious group in France, as it has been since 2023. Anti-Semitic incidents account for 62% of all anti-religious offenses, compared with 31% for anti-Christian incidents and 7% for anti-Muslim incidents. (Source: Prayer24365 Edition)

They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:4,9)

God, we pray as we learn that anti-Christian crimes are increasing year by year in France—a country where secularism has deeply eroded traditional values. We believe the Lord has long been patient with those who mock Him, questioning, “Where is this coming He promised?” even as they follow their own desires in these last days. May the French church hold fast to the Father’s heart—a heart that longs for everyone to repent, for He does not want anyone to perish—and spread the message of forgiveness and the gospel. Through the churches of this land, may those who have turned from the Lord come to Christ and be restored to the holy body of Jesus, praising the Lord of Salvation.

Prayer 24·365

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