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[Afghanistan] Taliban Detained Four Foreigners, Including a British Couple

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 English News 영상 캡처

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“Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you.”

The Taliban authorities in Afghanistan have confirmed the detention of four foreign nationals, including a British couple and a Chinese American. However, the exact reason for their arrest remains unclear. The Taliban have only stated that there are “certain considerations” but have not provided further details.

According to the BBC and AFP, British nationals Peter Reynolds, 79, and his wife, Bobby, 75, were arrested by the Taliban on March 1 while returning home in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. The couple had been running an education project for women and children in Afghanistan for 18 years. Although their project was reportedly approved by Taliban authorities, it may have conflicted with the Taliban’s policies, which ban women from working and prohibit girls over the age of 12 from receiving an education.

Abdul Matin Qani, spokesperson for the Taliban’s Interior Ministry, stated, “We have detained two British nationals with Afghan identification documents, one individual holding both Chinese and American citizenship, and their interpreter.” However, he declined to provide further details about their identities or the reason for their detention, saying only that “efforts are being made to resolve the issue.”

The Reynolds couple was able to exchange text messages with their children shortly after their arrest, but contact was lost after three days. Their family has not heard from them for more than two weeks. Their children, appealing for their release, said, “We do not understand why our parents were detained. They have dedicated their lives to Afghanistan.” They also relayed their parents’ firm stance: “They would rather sacrifice their lives than be released in exchange for ransom or as part of a hostage negotiation.”

The British Foreign Office has acknowledged the detention of two British citizens in Afghanistan. However, diplomatic efforts are limited because the UK government does not officially recognize the Taliban and has no embassy in Kabul.

Since taking power, the Taliban have imposed strict restrictions on women’s rights. In 2022, they banned women from working in NGOs, and in December 2023, they announced the shutdown of all NGOs employing women. The arrests may be connected to these policies.

The Taliban have ruled Afghanistan since the withdrawal of U.S. troops in August 2021. However, the international community has not recognized them as the legitimate government. As a result, the Taliban’s detention of foreign nationals is expected to heighten tensions with the international community and spark further diplomatic disputes. (Source: Christian Daily Edited)

Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you. (Psalms 50:15, 22,NIV)

God, we bring before You the unjust detention of those who have devoted their lives to serving the people of Afghanistan. Rebuke the Taliban for their harsh restrictions on women’s education and work and their violations of fundamental freedoms and rights. Lead them to repentance before You, the living God. Move the governments of the UK and the US to take active steps for the release of their citizens. May those who are detained be freed swiftly. Stir the global Church to intercede for those suffering in this crisis, and through Your deliverance, reveal Your glory in Afghanistan.

Prayer 24·365

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