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[Indonesia] Shortage of Christian Teachers for Religious Education in Primary, Middle, and High Schools

▲ 출처: Unsplash 사진 캡처
▲ 출처: Unsplash 사진 캡처

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“Guide me in your truth and teach me.”

Although Christians make up 13% of Indonesia’s population, there remains a significant shortage of Christian teachers to provide religious education in primary, middle, and high schools. According to data from Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture (KPK) in 2020, the ratio of Christian religious teachers in public schools was 8.5 to 1—meaning that, on average, only one Christian religious teacher is assigned to 8-9 schools.

Pastor Penrad Siagian, a member of Indonesia’s Regional Council of Representatives (DPD RI), pointed out that some schools have gone decades without a Christian religious teacher. He emphasized that Christian students have the right to receive religious instruction from qualified Christian educators.

Dr. Thomas Penturi, an advisor to the Forum on Christian Religious Education Teachers (FORGUPAKI), stressed that religious education plays a crucial role in shaping national values. He called for greater cooperation to increase both the number and quality of Christian religious teachers in Indonesia.

Under Indonesia’s education law, religious education is a mandatory part of the primary and secondary school curriculum. Students have the legal right to receive religious instruction in accordance with their faith. Sahidul Bakhri, Director of Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, acknowledged the issue and stated that the government is working to assess the situation of schools lacking Christian teachers to ensure that all students receive the religious education to which they are entitled.

Prayers are needed for the swift appointment of more Christian teachers in Indonesian public schools so that children and young people can grow in their faith with proper biblical teaching.

Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population and is home to the largest mosque in Asia. According to the World Watch List, an annual report by Open Doors that tracks Christian persecution worldwide, Indonesia ranked 33rd in 2023 for Christian persecution. (Source: Prayer24365 Edited)

Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalms 25:4-5,NIV)

God, we cry out to You over the lack of Christian education in Indonesian schools, despite the legal right for students to receive it. Raise up faithful teachers who will boldly and passionately share the gospel with the next generation. In this predominantly Muslim nation, show Your ways and lead many to faith in You. Strengthen the Indonesian Church as they pray and wait for You. May a new generation rise up in this land—rooted in truth and devoted to serving You, the God of salvation.

Prayer 24·365

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