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[Afghanistan] Hope Reaches an Afghan Market Through Digital Bibles


“God made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory.”

In a marketplace in Afghanistan, a carpet vendor received an unexpected visitor. For two years, visitors had been coming to see him, and this time, they handed him a small MP3 player. It contained Christian devotionals and the Bible in his language. As they explained the gift and shared the gospel, tears filled his eyes. He had witnessed the killing of his family and friends simply because they had questioned Islamic teachings.

Nehemiah from FMI, a missionary group supporting persecuted Christians, said, “But when he heard about Jesus, he found incredible hope and comfort.” FMI recently worked with Keys 4 Kids Ministries to distribute 3,000 MP3 players filled with Christian content across Afghanistan.

This project, which lasted two years, required faith, creativity, and courage to overcome challenges. For the missionaries, giving the MP3 players was the end of their mission, but for those who received them, it was the beginning of new hope. The carpet vendor, a tribal leader, later asked for more MP3 players so his whole family could listen.

Nehemiah said that a simple conversation in the marketplace is now leading an entire tribe to the gospel. Afghanistan is suffering from economic hardship, food shortages, and growing threats from terrorist groups such as the Taliban, Pakistani Taliban, and ISIS, who are also fighting each other.

“ISIS sees the Taliban as too moderate and fights against them, actively recruiting former Taliban members,” Nehemiah said. He warned that many teenagers, who must support their families, are being targeted by these extremist groups.

Still, Nehemiah believes that God is working powerfully in Afghanistan. He asked for prayers as more people hear and accept the gospel.

He requested prayers  △The word of God is conveyed through MP3 players and spiritual and physical protection for those who believe in Jesus △terrorists’ hearts are directed to Jesus. He said, “The Gospel will never be silenced.” (Source: Mission Network News Edited)

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4,6,NIV)

God, we praise You for shining the light of the gospel into the darkness of Afghanistan, bringing hope to those suffering under oppression. Though the Taliban enforces strict Islamic law and seeks to silence the truth, we know that a deep thirst for the living God remains in their hearts. Protect those who believe in Christ, for nothing can separate them from Your love. May the gospel’s power transform lives, leading the people of Afghanistan to the eternal light of salvation.

Prayer 24·365

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