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[Eng. Prayer] US,Social Media’s Threat to Religious Freedom; promoting a new religion.

“Wisdom from above is free from prejudice and deceit.”

[Aug.25. 2021] It has been argued that social media promotes the development of a ‘new religion’ following the ‘data monopoly’ of big tech.

According to the American Christian Daily, “Intercessors for America’ (IFA) shared an article recently published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), saying, “I don’t think this should be taken lightly, but I think we should look at it in depth.”

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone wrote the article of San Francisco and Jim Daley, president of the Christian organization Focus on the Family, titled ‘The Threats to Religious Freedom in Social Media.’

Carl Trueman is a distinguished scholar, bestselling author and ordained Presbyterian minister. On August 7, he gave a series of talks to the Sacramento Gospel Conference, live-streamed on the YouTube channel of Immanuel Baptist Church. Twice during the event, the live broadcast was booted off the air.

Viewers were informed that the first interruption was due to a copyright violation, possibly due to Christian music that the conference organisers played during a break. But in the second, more mysterious instance, Mr. Trueman’s presentation went dark because of a “content violation.”

According to Cordileone and the Daily, nothing in Mr. Trueman’s talks encouraged hatred, vulgarity, or violence. On the contrary, he offered a thoughtful analysis of American cultural attitudes toward sex through the lens of classic Christian thought, citing sources from Freud to the philosophers Rousseau and Charles Taylor.

“It means that Truman’s Christian views and lectures on sexuality were considered ‘content violations.”, Cordileone added.

Mr. Trueman and many other believers are understandably worried that religious speech is being censored online.

“We sense that the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty is being dismantled and with it the profound contributions that religion makes to American unity and self-government.”, Cordileone and the Daily wrote.

They stated, “Today’s sexual politics function as a new kind of fundamentalism that presents a profound problem to a diverse and democratic society. Instead of encouraging the dialogue of the democratic process, the fundamentalists seek to impose their rigid certitude unilaterally” (Source: Christian Today).

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:17-18)

God, may You demolish the wicked intention of the Big Tech, which wields power in the internet world and uses social media to threaten freedom of expression and religion. May the people working behind modern Technology abide by ethics and not violate the religious freedom Act. May the American churches keep fighting for the righteousness and truthfulness to be carried out on Youtube, so that the pure wisdom of You may prevail on social media.

Prayer 24·365

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