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[Eng. Prayer]Arabic Christian TV Founder: “A new generation will arise in the Middle East

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“See, I am doing a new thing; making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”

[Aug.31. 2021] Dr. Terence Ascott, who has devoted himself to Christian media ministry in the Middle East for 45 years, predicted a significant change, centering on young Muslims.

Dr. Terrence Ascott founded SAT-7, the first Arabic Christian satellite television network, in 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa in 1996 and later launched Christian satellite television channels in Persian and Turkish.

Dr. Ascott, in a column titled ‘Middle East, Dare to believe’ in the American Christian Post on the 22nd August (local time), asked, “Did you know that two-thirds of the (Middle East) population are under 30?”

“They are a bold new generation that demands change, shuddering at the repressive regime that continues to impose restrictions, and weary of a failed economy, corruption, and hypocrisy,” he said.

“Many are turning their backs on the restrictive religious system they have nurtured, either rejecting traditional beliefs or declaring that they do not believe in Allah at all,” he said. “The surge in young ‘religious rebels’ in 2021 in these religiously occupied areas is a startling reality.”

In Iran, converting to Christianity or offering services in Persian is now considered a felony punishable by imprisonment.

Still, he said, “Millions of young people want to break free from the restraints of religious extremism that have only brought us conflict, misery, and despair.

“Through smartphones and other digital devices, they have seen what freedom has to offer, and they desperately want it,” he said.
Dr. Ascott said: “The resistance of young people to stifling social and religious norms has created a startling rift in dissident and religious armor.

They are curious about Christianity because it is unlike anything they have encountered before. “They heard about Jesus, the preacher of love and forgiveness, who gave the other cheek, and they want to know more about him.”

He then emphasised the need for satellite broadcasting, saying, “In my half-century of life and media ministry in the Middle East, there has never been a more important and decisive moment to broadcast the hope of the entire Gospel.”

“Now we have the most powerful media channel that cannot be censored. In addition, we have a video service that can be played anywhere, anytime on smartphones and other digital devices, and a social media live chat platform that allows real-time participation in Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish.”

“The broadcast and online media revolution is providing Christians in the Middle East and North Africa with unprecedented opportunities to share their lives and beliefs with millions of followers of Christ,” Dr. Ascott added.

“God is using their brave witnesses to surprise and shock even the most ardent religious skeptics with the unfeigned and unbreakable love of Jesus,” he said. In time, you and I will be amazed when everything secretly happening in the Middle East comes to light.”

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen. (Isaiah 43:18-20)

God, thank you for the weary and thirsty young people in the Middle East who show interest in knowing the love and forgiveness of Jesus. May You destroy all the deceptions of Satan by the power of the gospel and renew the hearts of the young generation that they will know their true identity in Christ Jesus. We pray that the gospel of Your Kingdom will be spread through broadcasting and online media missions so that a new generation will rise and prepare the way for Your return.

Prayer 24·365

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