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[Eng. Prayer]UK,”Protect Children,” social media is bringing in new measures worldwide.

▲ Sources:

“Christ Jesus gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age.”

[Sep.09. 2021]The Guardian reported on the 5th (local time) that the social media giants increased global child safety after the UK introduced a new set of regulations to protect children online.

Tik Tok has turned off notifications for children past bedtime, Instagram has disabled targeted adverts for under 18 entirely, and Youtube has turned off autoplay for teen users.

On the 2nd of September, the Uk introduced a new set of regulations aimed at protecting children and, at a stroke, became a global leader in the field, with the prospect of multimillion-dollar fines for companies that breach its new “age-appropriate design code.”

The changes are worldwide, applying to the UK as well as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

The Guardian and the other UK press noted that the initiation of the regulations was not from the government but by the individual effort from a formal movie director Beeban Kidron, the crossbench peer.

The code was introduced as an amendment to the data protection act 2018, a technical piece of legislation mainly intended to implement GDDR into UK law.

The act crept through the Commons without incident, but the House of Lords received myriad amendments, from minor to major.

After directing the movie “In Real Life,” which is about children and the Internet, in 2012, Beeban Kidron has been investing time and effort to protect children from online and actively lobbying for the age-appropriate design code to pass the House of the Lords.

Kidron said, “The exceptionalism of the big tech companies that ‘we are different’ defined the last century, but now they are no exception.”

Other companies have yet to introduce any specific changes at all. For example, Twitter declined to answer questions about how it had approached complying with the code.

Google and Facebook said their update wasn’t based on any specific regulation.

Meanwhile, a ‘March for Life’ was held in England recently, and the attendees marched through Trafalgar Square to Parliament.

This annual event was held under the banner of ‘Life from conception – no exception! ‘, and thousands of people participated, the British Christian Today (CT) reported. (Source: Yonhap News).

Jesus Christ gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father(Galatians1:4)

God, thank you that the UK government is enforcing a new law to protect children from the harmful effects of the Internet, so that children from different parts of the world can be better protected. We pray that more safe and evangelical content for the next generation will be developed online so that children can hear the love of Jesus, who died on the Cross to redeem us all. May You deliver the children from the hands of the dark power, that they will continually be nurtured and guided by love and life in Christ Jesus.

Prayer 24·365

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