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[Eng. Prayer]World,YouVersion-Bible and Translation Organization Join Hands…“Bible in all Languages by 2033”

“He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.”

[Sep.13. 2021]The ‘YouVision Bible’ app team, an online and mobile Bible platform, has partnered with the Bible translation group ‘illumiNations’.

According to the US Christian Headlines, the two organizations started a partnership to translate the Bible so that 95 percent of the global population could have access to the Good News by 2033.

YouVersions founder Bobby Gruenewald explained in a recent interview with ‘Premier Christian News(PCN)’. “In the past, the Bible translation efforts have been challenging, leaving many people across the globe without access to Scriptures written in their mother tongue.”

“There are a lot of languages that are spoken in the world that people might not aware of how many languages are spoken. It’s well over 6,000 languages.” Gruenewald said, “However, unfortunately, although we’ve had the Bible in English, we take it for granted that there are still many people and thousands of languages that have no access to Scripture, no scripture in their primary language.”

“They might speak another language, but it’s not their mother tongue. We are excited about being part of an effort to change that and make that reality different going forward,” he added.

Gruenwald pointed out, “despite the difficulties of translation, new translation methodologies and advancing technology paired with the collaborative effort with illumiNations is speeding up the translation process.”

He hopes that the new effort will allow for most of the world to have access to the Bible in their mother tongue in the next decade or so.
” We think it’s possible in most of our lifetimes here by 2033, to be able to see God’s word translated into all languages; to see the News Testament available in 99.96 percent of the languages available, and the whole Bible translated in 95 percent of the languages, which is a goal that seemed impossible,” he said.

Most people thought it would be at least another 100 or 200 years at the pace that we were going, but there’s been a rapid acceleration, and it’s still a lot of work to come, but there’s hope and a sense of that to be possible by 2033.”

At present, YouVersion has translated the Bible into 2,500 languages and is currently translating over 1,700 languages. According to the IllumiNations website, the Bible still needs to be translated into about 3,732 languages (Source: ChristianToday, ChristianHealines).

The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. (Psalms 147:11, 15)

Dear God, we bless the “YouVersion Bible” and “IllumiNations” that have united to make the Bible accessible to all nations in their mother tongue. Fill both organizations with the Holy Spirit. When they work together in the hope of the LORD’s unfailing love, let them see the glory of the word that runs swiftly. May all the nations be filled with the Gospel of life and the number of those who are being saved be added daily.

Prayer 24·365

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