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[Eng. Prayer] Fears of Civil War in Northeast India as the State of Violence Continues – Churches and Christians’ homes burnt

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh”

[May.31.2023] There are fears that weeks of violence against the Christian communities in north-eastern India might lead to civil war. The attacks in the state of Manipur have left at least 70 people dead and another 10,000 Christians lost their homes.

Open Doors reported that the destruction has been widespread with at least 300 churches being burned or demolished and 1,000 Christian homes being destroyed and launched an urgent appeal to support the beleaguered Christian communities.

Open Door said that its partners on the ground are already providing food aid and medical care but warned that conditions for those who have fled are “grim” with little support from the local government and that Hindu nationalist violence against Christians continues.

One Open Doors partner in India, who cannot be named for security reasons, said that the Supreme Court has ordered the military to maintain peace and order in the region. The Hindu nationalist local government, however, has done nothing to stop the violence. “If the situation continues civil war is inevitable,” he said.

“If there is a civil war the situation will only become more gruesome, more lives lost, properties destroyed and further open persecution of religious minorities.”

Henrietta Blyth, Chief Executive Officer of Open Doors UK and Ireland said that “Hindu extremists have used the gang violence as a platform to further attack the Christian communities”. “Churches from both the Meitei and Kuki sides were burned and demolished. Christians were beaten up and chased out of their homes”, she said.

“The minority tribes are hiding in IDP camps, protected by the military and they’re fearing for their lives. Hindu supremacist group Arambai Tenggol is forcibly re-converting Christians and reportedly seeking out church leaders to kill”, she said.

“Christians who have fled are struggling to survive, with no access to ATMs, and food and fuel prices soaring. People don’t have food or shelter and are still facing threats of physical violence,” said Blyth.
“Food supply and military trucks were burned, and many people have suffered from mental and physical loss and are deeply traumatised.”

She added, “If the worst happened and Manipur descends into civil war further down the line, the human suffering it would cause, on both sides, would be immeasurable.”

Another local Open Doors partner said that people are “living in fear and are sceptical of what the future holds.” “We need your help in raising a voice against the injustice and atrocities faced by the Christians in India.” (Source: Christian Today)

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ( 2Corinthians 10:3-5)

God, please protect the Christian communities in northeast India, who are in fear and suffering due to the continuing violence of Hindu nationalists. As they confront crises where tribal conflicts and discriminatory attacks can develop into civil war, may the churches in India earnestly pray that the fleshly fights will be ceased. May the people of this region encounter the Gospel through the witnesses of those who fully trust in Christ. May you transform Hinduists’ hearts through the gospel, and they will cease all violence.

Prayer 24·365

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