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[Eng. Prayer] Iran: Iran Sees a Surge in Arrests of Christians Distributing Bibles Last Year

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“He will strengthen and establish your faith.”

The number of arrests of Christians in Iran is rapidly increasing. Authorities were found to specifically target Bible distributors. According to the American Christian Post, on the 19th (local time), Christian human rights groups Article 18, World Christian Alliance, Open Door, and Middle East Concern announced the ‘2024 Joint Annual Report’.

The report contains an analysis of the various methods of persecution through which the Iranian regime targets the Christian community and imposes punishments such as arrests, fines, and floggings. According to the report, “The number of arrested Christians increased to 166 in 2023 compared to 134 in 2022. Authorities arrested a small number of people before June but arrested more than 100 people during the three summer months, the report writer said, adding, “Arrests surged even more during the Christmas period.”

The reporter continued, “By the end of 2023, at least 17 of the Christians arrested in the summer had been sentenced to between three months and five years in prison or were subject to non-custodial punishment such as fines and caning.” Iranian authorities particularly targeted Bible distributors among Christians.

“More than a third of those arrested were individuals in possession of multiple Bibles, and authorities targeted them,” the report said. “Monitoring of Christians’ online activities also occurred frequently. Some Christians testified that they were surprised to see piles of printouts of personal emails and other communications during interrogation. “This was later submitted to the judge as evidence of their Christian activities.”

Human rights groups also included recommendations for the Iranian government and steps the international community should take to hold it accountable for the persecution of Christians. They called for the release of Christians detained for their faith and religious activities and for clarity on places where they could worship freely in their native language.

The group reporter warned, “It is becoming increasingly difficult for Christians to stay in Iran,” and added, “The international community must hold the Iranian government accountable for failing to fulfil its obligations under international law.”

Meanwhile, Iran, which ranked 9th on the Christian persecution monitoring group Open Door’s 2024 World Watch List, considers conversion from Islam to Christianity illegal. Anyone found to be a house church member can be charged with national security crimes and receive a long prison sentence. (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive)

Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of suffering. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:9-10)

God, please rebuke the Iranian regime, which targets the Christian community, persecutes it in various ways and uses its laws to prevent conversion to Christianity.   Please strengthen Christian groups in Iran to build themselves up in a firm faith that cannot be shaken even in hardships. May the churches in Iran unite in prayers, and may they be bold when facing persecution from the government and be victorious in the name of Jesus Christ.  And the gospel will reach the government officials and non-believers of this land that the mission revival and Your Kingdom will come in this nation.   May the international community continue to fight for freedom of faith in this land and bring glory to Your name.

Prayer 24·365

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