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[China] World’s Largest Military Command Center Under Construction in Beijing

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 YTN 영상 캡처

“Deceit is in the heart of those who plot evil, but those who plan peace have joy.”

Reports suggest that China is constructing the world’s largest military command center in its capital, Beijing, in preparation for potential wartime scenarios. The facility is said to be larger than the Pentagon and includes a nuclear bunker designed to protect the Chinese leadership.

On the 30th (local time), the Financial Times (FT) analyzed satellite images and reported, “China is building a large-scale complex on a 1,500-acre (approximately 6.07 million m²) construction site about 30 km southwest of Beijing.” The FT stated, “This construction is part of the process of developing new weapons and projects ahead of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese military in 2027, and large-scale construction began in mid-2023.”

Military experts believe that “this site will house a massive bunker to protect Chinese military leaders in all conflicts, including nuclear war.” Some current and former U.S. officials have also indicated that intelligence agencies are closely monitoring the site, suspecting that it will become the world’s largest military command center.

The site has been bustling with construction activity since early this month, in stark contrast to the sluggish progress of most large-scale real estate projects due to China’s real estate market crisis. Additionally, commercial real estate developments typically feature showrooms, but this site lacks one, and there are no related news reports or mentions online, further supporting the assessment that it is a military facility.

Some experts have dubbed this project the “Beijing Military City.” Lenny Babiaz, a former analyst with the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, stated, “At least 100 cranes are working on underground facilities spanning an area of 5 square kilometers. There is a strong possibility that multiple underground structures are being built and connected by tunnels.”

Former CIA Director Dennis Wilder noted, “If this is true, the new underground high-level command bunker for the military leadership, including President Xi Jinping, signals China’s intention to establish a world-class conventional military in addition to advanced nuclear warfare capabilities.”

An anonymous China expert remarked, “The facility possesses all the hallmarks of a high-security military installation, including reinforced concrete structures and deep underground tunnels.” He added, “It is nearly ten times the size of the Pentagon, a scale that aligns with President Xi Jinping’s ambition to surpass the United States.” The expert further analyzed, “The facility has a singular purpose—to serve as the ultimate bunker for China’s increasingly sophisticated and powerful military.” (Source: Newsis Edited)

Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. No harm overtakes the righteous, but the wicked have their fill of trouble.(Proverbs 12:20-21)

God, we lift up the growing tension in the international community as concerns arise over China’s construction of the world’s largest military command center in preparation for war. Grant grace to the leaders of China and let them recognize that the hearts of those who plot evil are full of deceit and will inevitably be filled with calamity. May the churches in China and around the world seek the face of God, the sovereign Lord over all, in response to this news. Let them boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, our true peace. We praise You, Lord, who revives Your kingdom among all nations through churches that fight in prayer in these last spiritual battles.

Prayer 24·365

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