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[Japan] Record-High Suicides Among Elementary, Middle, and High School Students Last Year… “Strengthening Counseling System”

▲ 출처: Unsplash의ChuanYang Chen

“You may listen to the LORD voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life.”

It has been revealed that the number of suicides among elementary, middle, and high school students in Japan reached an all-time high last year. According to NHK and other sources, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on the 29th that the number of suicides among elementary, middle, and high school students last year was 527, an increase of 14 from 513 the previous year. By age group, high school students had the highest number at 349, followed by middle school students at 163, and elementary school students at 15.

In particular, the increase in suicides among female middle and high school students was notable. The number of suicides among female middle and high school students was 99 and 183, respectively, an increase of 19 and 17 from the previous year. The main causes of student suicides have not been clearly identified, but various factors such as academic pressure, bullying, interpersonal conflicts, career concerns, and health problems are known to be intertwined.

In Japan, the suicide rate tends to rise annually from late August to early September, when the summer vacation ends. In response, the government and media have intensified campaigns urging high-risk teenagers to seek help during this period.

However, the total number of suicides last year was 22,680, marking a 7.2% decrease from the previous year. By gender, the number of male suicides was 13,763, and female suicides were 6,505. Compared to 2003, when the suicide rate peaked, these numbers have declined by 45% and 31%, respectively.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare stated, “The fact that the number of student suicides has reached an all-time high is a very serious issue,” and added, “Since various factors may have contributed, we will conduct a thorough analysis and work with relevant organizations to develop countermeasures.”

Chief Cabinet Secretary Keiichiro Tachibana also stated, “We take the issue of suicides among elementary, middle, and high school students very seriously,” and added, “We are collaborating across government ministries to strengthen the counseling system using SNS and have allocated funds for this in this year’s supplementary budget.” He further emphasized, “We will continue to make every effort to protect the lives of children and work towards building a society where no one is driven to suicide.”(Source : NEWS1 Edited)

and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.(Deuteronomy 30:20)

God, we seek Your mercy as we face the heartbreaking news that the number of youth taking their own lives in Japan has increased. At the same time, we thank You for allowing the relevant organizations to recognize the gravity of this issue and commit themselves to protecting young lives. However, we confess that human efforts and psychological counseling alone can never provide a fundamental solution. Please let them humbly seek wisdom from You. May the church in Japan proclaim the gospel of life, so that the next generation in that land will rise up as those who have received new life—loving God, listening to His Word, and relying on Him.

Prayer 24·365

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