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[Brazil] Amazon, Evangelical Revival Transforms the Spiritual Landscape

▲ 출처: 유튜브 CBN News 영상 캡처

“The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

In the northwestern Brazilian Amazon, an unprecedented revival is underway. Centered around evangelical churches, this movement has sparked a surge in new congregations and converts. For centuries, Catholicism dominated the region, but the rapid spread of evangelical Christianity is now reshaping its spiritual landscape, as CBN News recently reported.

Ramos, 83, a resident along the banks of the Amazon River, has experienced this transformation firsthand. He recalled, “When I was young, our community was centered around Catholicism, but now things have completely changed. God is my everything, and I am nothing without Jesus.”

For decades, missionaries have been spreading the gospel along the Amazon’s many rivers. Pastor Josue Bengtson remembered the early challenges of his ministry: “There were so few workers that in some areas, pastors had to walk 10–15 kilometres to minister to a church. But now, with most medium-sized churches equipped with boats, their ministry is much easier.”

Missionary Esquiel Santo, who felt called by God at the age of 15, served in the jungle for 32 years. He explained, “Living with the natives in riverside communities was a great challenge. But God was with me, and I witnessed many people accept the gospel and transform their lives.”

At the beginning of his ministry, Santo couldn’t afford a plane ticket. Instead, he traveled by bus for six days and then by boat for another six days to reach the outskirts of the Amazon Basin. Later, he journeyed to an indigenous village, rowing manually for at least 15 days—sometimes taking as long as 35 days to reach a single area.

Small evangelical churches are now emerging in every riverfront town throughout the Amazon. “The revival we have long awaited in Brazil is happening in the Amazon,” noted Dr. Alves. This surge in evangelical churches not only marks a religious transformation but also fosters a strong sense of community and independence among local residents.

Evangelical Christians rely on small canoes and boats to reach remote areas for worship and missionary work, while churches in Brazil’s major cities send volunteers to provide education, healthcare, and humanitarian aid. Thanks to this dedicated ministry, the evangelical movement in the Amazon is not merely a religious shift—it is a powerful force reshaping the region’s spiritual and social landscape for generations to come. (Source: prayer24365 edition)

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42,47)

God, thank You for the revival centered on the evangelical church and for drawing more people to salvation each day through the love and dedication of faithful witnesses in the Brazilian Amazon. May this holy group, like the early church, dwell in You and be built as the body of Jesus Christ, gathering together to break bread. May they not only transform the local religious landscape but also glorify Jesus in every area of life. Through the lives and prayers of these worshippers, may the flag of the cross be raised high and may the glorious day of Your return be hastened in this land.

Prayer 24·365

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