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[Eng. Prayer] Korea is becoming a suicide republic…Suicide’ is the leading cause of death in 1030 generations.

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“Righteousness will reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. “

[Oct.07.2021]The trend of neglecting life in our society appears in abortion and suicide, and the reputation with high suicide rates build up.

According to the ‘2020 Cause of Death Statistics Results’ released by the National Statistical Office on the 28th, suicide was the number one cause of death among 1030 generations last year.

Suicide was the second most common cause of death among those in their 40s and 50s; the suicide mortality rate per 100,000 people was 25.7, 2.1 times higher than the OECD average.

As suicide rates in their teens and 20s increased significantly last year, Korea’s suicide rate ranked first in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.

The number of suicide deaths in South Korea last year was 13,195, which decreased 4.4% from the previous year.

However, the age-standardized suicide mortality rate, meaning suicides per 100,000 people, was 23.5, more than double the average of 38 OECD countries (10.9).

Excluding Korea, Lithuania (21.6) is the only member country with a suicide rate in the 20s.

Suicide was the fifth leading cause of death among Koreans last year, accounted for 4.3% of all deaths. By age, suicide is the number one cause of death among teens, 20s and 30s.

Last year, the suicide rate decreased among those in their 40s or older, including those in their 70s (-16.0%) and 60s (-10.7%), 50s (-8.4%), and 40s (-5.8%). However, among those in their 20s (12.8%) and teens ( 9.4%), and in their 30s (0.7%), the suicide rate has risen.

In particular, the suicide rate for women in their 20s increased by 16.5%, from 16.6 to 19.3. The suicide rate for teenage males also increased by 18.8%, from 5.5 to 6.5.

The suicide rates by generation were 10s (6.5 people), 20s (21.7 people), 30s (27.1 people), 40s (29.2 people), 50s (30.5 people), 60s (30.1 people), 70s (38.8 people), and over 80 (62.6 people), which are gradually increasing in proportion to age.

The suicide rate among men was more than twice that of women. The suicide rate was 2.2 times higher in men (35.5 people) than women (15.9 people). However, compared to the previous year, the suicide rate decreased for men (-6.5%) and increased for women (0.8%).

The gender ratio of suicide rate between men and women was the lowest among teenagers and the highest in those in their 70s.

Suicide (25.7 people) ranked the highest in mortality due to an external cause of death (accidental death).

By city and province, the death rate due to suicide was highest in Chungnam (27.9 people) and lowest in Sejong (18.3 people).

Due to the aging of the population, the number of deaths last year was a record high. It was the highest since the statistics on the cause of death compiled from 1983.

The proportion of those aged 80 and over accounted for 48.6% of all deaths, an increase of 15.2 percentage points from 10 years ago. The cause of death was also marked by the rise in age-related diseases such as sepsis and Alzheimer’s.

The death rate from cancer increased by 1.2% compared to the previous year. Cancer has been the number one cause of death since statistics were compiled. Cancer caused 27% of all deaths last year. By type, lung cancer (36.4 cases), liver cancer (20.6 cases), colorectal cancer (17.4 cases), stomach cancer (14.6 cases), and pancreatic cancer (13.2 cases) had the highest mortality rate.

Sepsis was included in ‘the top 10 causes of death for the first time. Last year, the number of COVID-19-related deaths was 950, which did not significantly affect the overall death statistics. (source: Gospel Prayer News)

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! (Romans 5:17)

God, please shine the light of life in Korea, where suicide is the number one cause of death among teenagers and 30s. May You raise the churches to preach the gospel to children and young people who are contemplating suicide. Lord, may they come out of the shadows of death and reign in life through Jesus Christ. We pray that You rebuke the people who do not hesitate to have abortions for their benefit. May You use the pain of disease and epidemic to become a channel of grace that holds eternal life.

Prayer 24·365

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