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[Eng. Prayer] Israel, Controversy over Jewish Rabbi’s ‘quiet prayer’ at Al Aqsa Mosque, a Holy Site for Muslims

“Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion”

[Oct. 10. 2021] A ruling by an Israeli court in favor of a Jewish rabbi’s ‘quiet prayer’ at Al-Aqsa, the third holiest site for Muslims located in East Jerusalem, has sparked controversy.

According to Israeli media and foreign media reports on the 8th October (local time), a Jerusalem court ruled that there was no problem with the actions of the Jewish rabbi Lippo, who was banned from entering the compound for two weeks after being caught praying in the Al-Aqsa mosque the day before.

Lippo and his companions went into the Al-Aqsa and were caught by the police in charge of guarding the mosque while he was praying. On the 29th of last month, when the police issued an order to ban entry to the compound for two weeks, Lippo filed a lawsuit.

Judge Bilha Jahalom, who was in charge of the case, said, “Lippo stood in the corner of the square with a friend or two, there was no crowd around him, his prayer was quiet, whispered.”

Judge Yahaom further overturned the ban, saying, “Lippo’s religious acts carried out by Lippo were not externalized nor visible and it did not violate police instructions.” The Israeli police appealed the ruling.

The problem did not stop there. The ruling was strongly opposed by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Arab countries such as Jordan and Egypt, which ruled that the religious practices of Jews in the Al-Aqsa were permitted.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Ibrahim Shtayyeh expressed his strong opposition, warning against Israel’s attempt to impose a new reality at the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque. He also has called on the United States to fulfill its pledge to preserve the status quo of the compound, and not to allow any attempt to change it.

Jordan that oversees Al-Aqsa called the decision of the court an ‘illegal and provocative’

Egypt’s foreign ministry said in a statement that “it is deeply concerned that such a ruling will again threaten stability and security in the region.” “The Historical and legal status of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites must be respected in accordance with UN and UNESCO resolutions,” the statement said.

Jews are not allowed to engage in religious activities within the Al-Aqsa most grounds and can only pray under the western wall called the ‘Wailing Wall.”

Due to this situation, a dispute over this place continues. In particular, friction between Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis has become a daily occurrence.

Occasionally, right-wing Israeli politicians or right-wing forces enter the Al-Aqsa compound and provoke Palestinians. This conflict also led to a war between the Israeli army and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. (Source: Yeonhap New Edited).

This is what the Lord Almighty said; “Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.” (Zechariah 7:9-10)

Father God, may You intervene with the grace of the Gospel in the situation where Palestine and neighboring Arab countries protest the religious activities of the Jewish rabbi in the Al-Aqsa mosque. Demolish Satan’s evil tricks that prompt conflicts in this region and let the two peoples hear the love of the Cross. Thus, let the courts of Israel give truthful judgments and they may have mercy on one another rather than try to oppress or harm each other.

Prayer 24·365

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