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[Eng. Prayer] US Issues its First Passport with ‘Sex X”…No Distinguish Between Male and Female

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“Flee from sexual immorality. Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you”

[Nov. 1. 2021] The U.S. State Department issues the first passports with an ‘X’ for sex rather than female or male, the AP reported on the 27th of October (local time).

It recognized the rights of those who could not be issued a passport because they did not define themselves as male or female and opened the way to secure official identification.

LGBTQ rights envoy Jennifer Stern said it was “historical and to be celebrated” and said, “When a person has an identity card that reflects their identity, they live with greater dignity.”

The State Department did not disclose who was issued the first “Sex X” passport, citing privacy concerns.

The Associated Press reported that Dana Jim, 63, who has been litigating with the State Department in Colorado since 2015 over sex labeling, has confirmed that the passport has been received.

Born with ambiguous physical characteristics, when applying for a passport, Jim wrote ‘intersex’ in the space that was supposed to indicate whether he was male or female and requested that he be able to indicate his sex with an ‘X’ in a separate document.

He said he had undergone several surgeries as he was raised as a man, but it was not very successful. After being denied the issuance of a passport, he was unable to attend Intersex-related events held abroad, so he started a legal battle.

The State Department has also decided to allow passport applications of defined sex without proof through medical records, the Associated Press reported.

Previously, when Americans applied for a passport with a sex different from the sex indicated on their birth certificate, they had to submit a certificate from a medical institution. The State Department also said it will provide more options for sex labeling next year.

AFP reported that at least 11 countries, including Canada, Germany, Argentina, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, offer an additional option such as an ‘X’ in the passport sex display.

The Joe Biden administration has made the recognition of diversity, including the expansion of LGBT rights, a key value, and is taking concrete measures accordingly.

This contrasts with the previous administration of Donald Trump. At the time, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was reported to have refused to allow US embassies to raise rainbow flags in support of LGBT rights. (Source: Yeonhap News).

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirt, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. (1 Corinthians 6:18-19)

Father God, please rebuke the country, including the other 11 countries which have allowed people to choose their sex against the order of creation and have even issued passports with an ‘X’ sex mark. Please let them reckon the reality and harms of homosexuality and lead the people to the right path. We pray that this generation who has fallen into homosexuality by being deceived by the word-play ‘diversity’, may turn away from sexual immorality and sanctify their bodies to serve God.

Prayer 24·365

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