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[Eng. Prayer]60 People Dead From the Attack by ISIS Branch at Niger

▲ Sources:

“You have been my refuge and a strong tower”

[Nov.08.2021]Dozens killed in Jihadist Attack in Western Niger of Africa, AFP reported on 4 November citing a local source.

The assault took place on 2 November at Abab-Dab, a village about 55 kilometers from Banibangou in the western region of Tillaberi, which was confirmed by a source.

A local source reported, “a motorcycle-borne defense force was attacked by heavily armed members of the ISGS (Islamic State in the Greater Sahara),” who was also on motorbikes.

ISGS, a branch of the Islamic State (ISIS), an extremist militant group, has carried out lethal attacks on soldiers and civilians, especially in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, among the Sahel regions.

“In all, there are about 60 dead, nine missing and 15 escaped. The mayor of Banibangou is among those who were killed, and his body has been recovered,” an MP in the western Tillaberi area said.

Another local source confirmed the death toll and said that the assailants headed back to Mali taking the bodies of their fighters with them.

Niger is facing jihadi insurgencies on its western border with Mali and Burkina Faso and its southeastern frontier with Nigeria.

The defense force had recently been set up by local people following a string of attacks on farmworkers in remote fields by highly mobile jihadists. (Source: Yeonhap News).

For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Psalm 61:3-4)

Dear God, please comfort the people of western Niger where dozens of people have been killed in the jihadist attack, and please be a strong tower for them. Rebuke the jihadists for their lethal attacks on civilians so that no more innocent blood spilled on this land. We pray that the government of Niger and the countries of the Sahel region will unite to protect the people’s safety from attacks by armed forces.

Prayer 24·365

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