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[Eng. Prayer]Xinjiang Uyghurs, a Muslim-minority resident, fertility rate plummets due to fertility policy by Chinese authorities.

▲ Sources:

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed.”

[Nov.09.2021]China’s control policy over the Xinjiang Uyghur region, where Muslim minorities live, has resulted in a sharp drop in the birth rate since 2018, through coercive family planning.

According to Newsis, the U.S. State Department announced a new report on the 4th November (local time) that added the ‘reproductive right’ item to the ‘2020 Human Rights Report by Country’ published in March last year. However, the Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang has implemented coercive family planning measures, which has seen the fertility rate drop sharply since 2018.

According to the report, there has been an increase in contraceptive procedures (also known as “forced sterilisation” editor’s note) and implantation of contraceptives for women in most of the Xinjiang region.

In the Khotan region of Xinjiang, the number of female discontinuation procedures more than doubled between 2017 and 2018.

In addition, it seems that forced abortion (abortion) and termination, involuntary insertion of contraceptive devices, and pregnancy tests targeting Uyghurs and Kazakhs are widely implemented. Moreover, having more than a limited number of children (3 or more) requires paying excessive fines or going to concentration camps.

Drugs that temporarily or permanently stop the menstrual cycle have also been detected in Uyghur women imprisoned in the camps. “From 2016, the Chinese Communist Party began to ease birth control against the majority ethnic Han Chinese,” the report said. However, the birth control policy towards the Uyghurs has become more stringent.”

The report, citing government statistics, said that the fertility rate fell by more than 80% in some areas of the Uyghur Autonomous Region. “Fertility reduction targets were common in Xinjiang, and it is known that one region has set a fertility rate target close to 0%.” The report pointed out that violations of these measures could lead them to a detention facility as a punishment.

The report said officials at all levels could receive rewards and punishments depending on whether they met their population goals.

The report said that in the case of North Korea, it is difficult to obtain accurate information on reproductive rights because it is impossible to verify data provided by the regime, and staying in the country for the international organisations is very limited.

Based on reports from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and North Korean defectors, the North Korean security authorities forced abortion for political purposes or covered up human rights violations such as sexual violence (source: Gospel Prayer News).

He rules the world in righteousness and judges the people with equity. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (Psalms 9:8-9)

God, please bring justice to the Xinjiang Uyghurs, where the fertility rate has plummeted due to the coercive birth control policy by the Chinese government. May You stop all the atrocities the authorities practice against women for fertility control. May You reveal Yourself to the suffering women so that they may know You, the fortress of the oppressed. May You also break the pride of the rulers trying to get rid of the minorities and let the land fear the God who judges.

Prayer 24·365

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