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[Eng. Prayer]New Zealand passes a law making it easier to change the sex on birth certificates

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“ Let no one deceive you with empty words. “

[Dec.15.2021]The New Zealand Parliament unanimously passed a bill that would make it easier to change the gender of a birth certificate according to individual needs, DPA News and public Radio New Zealand (RNZ) reported on the 8th (local time).

Parliament has passed the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill, which allows people to change their birth certificates to reflect who they are.

According to the local newsagents, the bill changes the process for amending the sex shown on a birth certificate from one which requires people to go through the Family Court – including appearing before a judge and disclosing private medical information – to a simple self-selecting administrative process.

” This bill recognises that those who need to amend their birth certificate can do so.”
“The courts do not have the right to make that choice for them, that parents do not have that right, that cis-gender people who don’t even know them or care about them do not have that right.”, Green MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere cried in the house as she spoke in support.

Cis-gender refers to a person who considers their psychological gender to be the same as their biological gender. It is a term used in the field of the gay rights movement to point out that the terms ‘normal’ or ‘ordinary person is inappropriate.
The RNZ described the passing of the Bill as “a victory for homosexuals, including transgender, non-binary and intersex people.”

Internal Affairs Minister Jan Tinetti, who tabled the amendment to the Bill, said it was a proud day in Aotearoa’s (Newzealand in Maori) history. “Parliament has voted in favour of inclusivity and against discrimination,” she said.

The self-identification provisions are set to come into force in 18 months.
The New Zealand government plans to meet with gay and lesbian groups to come up with specific action plans (source: Yonhap News).

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:6-8, 17)

God, please shine the light of the truth on New Zealand, that wicked bill that enables people to change the gender on a birth certificate according to individual needs. May the homosexuals and the people who are supporting their wickedness come to repentance by acknowledging Your sovereignty. In doing so, may they avoid Your judgment. May Your churches rise and shine Your light, and not go along with the wicked people. May the believers discern Your Will, and preach the gospel to the lost world.

Prayer 24·365

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