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[Eng. Prayer] Of the 400,000 missionaries worldwide, only 3.3% focus on “unreached peoples”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Make disciples of all nations, I am with you always.”

[Jul.07.2022] According to pollsters, 70% of Americans say they are Christian, although the number is declining sharply. But in other countries, many have never been to church, read the Bible, or heard the name of Jesus Christ. They are the so-called ‘unreached people’.

The Joshua Project, a Christian organisation, is making efforts to spread the gospel to about 17,000 people groups around the world.

Of the world’s 7.7 billion people, there are more than 300 million who have never heard of the gospel or have had minimal exposure to the gospel, and there are about 7,000 unreached people groups. An unreached people group is classified as an unreached people group when less than 2% of the population has an evangelical Christian identity and less than 5% of the population has a religious affiliation with Christianity.

According to East-West, a world evangelization ministry, the unreached peoples make up about 42% of the world’s population. There are various factors, including physical, political, and cultural barriers, that have contributed to their becoming an unreached people group.

Many of these people live in remote or inaccessible terrain in South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, making it very difficult for evangelists to access. However, missionaries sometimes face cultural and political difficulties, including persecution, to spread the gospel to hostile countries.

In general, Islam, Hinduism, and other religions dominate in most countries with unreached peoples. These cultures also tend not to approve of Christianity or conversion to other religions.

These factors are also why some people make no effort at all in reaching out to the unreached, according to Traveling Team data cited by East-West. Of the 400,000 Christian missionaries worldwide, only 3.3% are focused on unreached people groups.

East-West founder John Maisel writes on his blog, “When God’s people are willing to take risks for the gospel, they are ultimately glorified. God’s greatest joy is that His children are coming out of a safe boat by faith, meeting him, and following his guidance.”

Earlier this year, Pastor David Platt emphasized the necessity of missionary work at the ‘Together for Gospel’ (T4G) conference held in Louisville, Kentucky. Pastor Platt said, “Over 3 billion people around the world are ‘unreached people.’” “The unreached people group” does not simply mean unbelievers, but a community that does not have access to the gospel.”

“As in Yemen, people in Kentucky are also lost (in the life path). The difference is that there are churches in Kentucky where most of us live,” he said. (Source: Christian Today)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

God, we pray that more missionaries who have hearts for the over 3 billion unreached peoples around the world will arise. We pray for missionaries to believe and delight in Your promise that You will be with them until the end of the world. May Your churches arise and not be afraid of the obstacles and difficulties in sharing the gospel. May You, the Creator of all nations, open ways for them that Your churches will continue making disciples of all nations. We pray that they march on to complete the mission.

Prayer 24·365

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