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[Eng. Prayer] UK: British House of Lords Debate Opposes introduction of ‘Conversion Therapy Ban’… “The First Case Internationally”

▲ 출처: Unsplash의Rodrigo Santos

“You are the light of the world, shining to all men.”

Christian Concern, a British Christian advocacy group, expressed gratitude to members of the British House of Lords who opposed the bill to ban homosexual conversion therapy, which has the potential to restrict freedom of religion and speech.

Regarding the debate on Senate Bill 5 in the British Parliament last week, the group said, “For the first time in British history, more politicians were opposing a ban on conversion therapy in parliament than supporting it,” adding, “This is an unprecedented first case internationally.” 

Senate Bill 5 prohibits attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to the gender they were born with or suppress expression based on their acquired sexual orientation or gender identity. Should this law be enacted, violators could be subject to “a fine not higher than level 5 of the standard.” There is no maximum penalty for level 5 offenders, so the fine is unlimited.

During last week’s debate on Bill 5, 29 senators expressed opposition, while 15 spoke in favour. Andrea Williams, the group’s CEO, said in a statement, “It is encouraging to see so many lawmakers expressing common sense opinions about extreme legislation based on ideology rather than reality. It is unfair to make it a crime for parents to protect their children,” he said.

He went on to emphasize that it is unfair to criminalize “consensual conversations” or “Christians encouraging their friends to follow biblical sexual ethics.” The group said, “Under the text of the bill, any person, not just a therapist, could be criminalised if they attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual or group, or if they are deemed to suppress such expression.”

Christian Concern said that should the bill pass, “consensual conversations between individuals about sexual orientation and gender identity issues” could be considered a crime, and that such conversations could include “parents and children, families and family members, therapists and clients, and clergy and church members, other religious groups, life coaches, supporters and members of self-help groups, and doctors and medical staff and their patients.”

The group also warned that “parents who refuse to allow their sons to cross-dress” or “those who organise conferences and educational events on sexual orientation and gender identity issues” could also face legal action. The British House of Commons will hold a second reading of this bill on March 1. The Senate version of the bill will be sent to the plenary committee in which all members of the UK’s House of Representatives participate for review. (Source: Christian Daily)

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (Matthew 5:14-15)

God, thank You for raising politicians to oppose the evil law before it is enacted to persecute the church and destroy British society and country. Let the Church of England fight together through prayer and rise up with the light of truth, illuminating the true nature of sin and Satan that leads to the destruction of souls. We pray that Britain, which is stained by lies and worldliness, will not only withdraw its evil laws that rebel against You but will also be restored as a country that receives, treasures and spreads the light of the Holy Gospel.

Prayer 24·365

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