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[Nepal] Foreigner-Volunteers Arrested on Charges of Evangelism

▲ 출처: unsplash의 Samrat Khadka 사진 캡처

“He provided purification for sins through his powerful word.”

Seventeen Americans and an Indian who were volunteering in the Sunsari area of southeastern Nepal were arrested on Feb. 7 on charges of evangelism. Those foreigners visited Nepal on tourist visas and volunteered in construction activities in Dharan. However, local authorities insisted they secretly contacted local people to spread Christianity.

Authorities in the Sunsari region questioned American Ryan Matthew Carter and 17 people, including Basant Lamas from West Bengal, India, about activities other than the purpose of the visit specified in the visa, and sent their documents to the Immigration Department for further investigation.

Although the 18 arrested people were released after interrogation, Nepalese immigration authorities are expected to take measures such as deportation or re-entry bans as they treat the charges seriously. The Nepalese Constitution stipulates the freedom for everyone to confess, practice and be protected according to their beliefs.

On February 7, 17 Americans and 1 Indian citizen were arrested in Sunsari, southeastern Nepal, on charges of evangelism. The group had entered Nepal on tourist visas and were participating in construction volunteer work in the city of Dharan. However, local authorities claim they were secretly sharing the Christian faith while meeting with locals.

Authorities in Sunsari questioned Ryan Matthew Carter, an American, along with the other volunteers, including Basant Lama from West Bengal, India. They were accused of taking part in activities outside the scope of their visa. Their documents were sent to the Immigration Department for further investigation.

Although all 18 individuals were released after questioning, immigration officials are expected to take serious action. This could include deportation or banning them from re-entering Nepal.

The Nepalese Constitution guarantees the freedom to follow, practice, and protect one’s religion. However, another clause in the law prohibits behavior that threatens public health, morals, or peace, including attempts to convert others or threaten their religious beliefs. Nepal’s criminal code, revised in 2017, punishes both forced conversions and those who help or encourage it.

Nepal’s Christian community is growing, but Christians continue to face severe legal and social discrimination. In some regions, Christians are subjected to economic boycotts, forced to relocate, and denied access to cemeteries due to differences in funeral practices from the Hindu majority.

In the Kathmandu Valley, cemeteries traditionally used by Christians have been shut down after legal disputes. A U.S. State Department report notes that only some indigenous religious groups are allowed to use burial grounds.

The Nepalese government’s restrictions on religious freedom and unequal enforcement of laws have drawn criticism for violating international human rights standards. There is growing international concern and pressure for Nepal to respect religious freedom. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. (Hebrews 1:3, NIV)

God, God, though Nepal’s Constitution declares religious freedom, Christians still face harsh discrimination and persecution—legally, socially, and even through the arrest of foreign volunteers. Thank You for the growth of the Church in this Hindu-majority country. Help Your people not to give in to fear or pressure, but to be drawn even closer to Christ, the radiance of God’s glory. May the false idols and schemes of Satan that bind Nepalese souls be broken by the power of Your Word. Let Your great name be lifted high in Nepal.

Prayer 24·365

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