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[Mozambique] Brazilian Missionaries’ Dedication Continues Amid Unrest

▲ 출처: 복음기도신문 사진 캡처

“We have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— the true message of the gospel.”

Mozambique, which held a presidential election in October last year, remains in a state of unrest as nationwide protests over alleged election fraud have continued into early 2025. The government has responded to demonstrations across the country with violent crackdowns, leading to widespread casualties. Reports indicate that at least 300 people, including more than 10 children, have died in clashes between protesters and police.

Thousands of Mozambicans have fled their homes, risking their lives to escape attacks and looting in their villages. On top of the political turmoil, two cyclones in December and January claimed at least 120 lives and caused severe damage to 250 schools and 52 medical facilities. In a further sign of instability, a mass prison break occurred near the capital Maputo, with 1,534 inmates escaping from a facility located about 15 kilometers away.

While many missionaries have withdrawn due to the deteriorating conditions, Brazilian missionaries remain on the ground, continuing to serve the land and its people. According to the Brazilian Association of Cross-Cultural Missions (AMTB), Mozambique—where Portuguese is spoken—is one of their key mission fields, with over 450 missionaries active in the country.

Missionary Ricardo Borges and his wife temporarily evacuated to South Africa in January following violent riots over the Christmas period. However, they returned just two weeks later to resume their ministry, which includes medical support for infants and toddlers and running a kindergarten program that serves more than 300 families.

Missionary Charles Santos also reported on the situation in Mozambique at a missions conference in Brazil in early January, then returned to continue his work—caring for wounded Muslim communities affected by the unrest. Missionary Noemia Cessito, who has served in Mozambique for over 40 years, has asked for continued prayers for peace to come swiftly to the nation. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people –  the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel. (Colossians 1:3-5,NIV)

God, we lift up Mozambique, a land groaning under the weight of violent conflict, political unrest, and natural disasters. Please remember the suffering of those who have lost homes, family, and peace. We thank You for the faithful Brazilian missionaries who have stayed and served despite the danger. May their courage and love for Your people shine brightly. Let songs of heavenly hope rise from the chaos, and may many be transformed as they hear the good news. Through these witnesses and churches standing as lights in the darkness, let peace return to Mozambique.

Prayer 24·365

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