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[Eng. Prayer] World: Pornography Addiction at its Serious Level…Christian Group in UK Urges Political Intervention

▲ 출처: unsplash의 Andras Vas

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature, and let the message of Christ dwell among you”

A Christian charity has called for urgent political intervention after a new study found that many young people are addicted to pornography. According to the United Kingdom’s Christian Today (CT), Paracelsus Recovery, a mental health and addiction clinic located in Zurich, Switzerland, reported a 150 % increase in the number of people being treated for pornography addiction between 2019 and 2023.

“About two-thirds of young people are addicted to pornography, and the reality is much more serious than the official figures suggest,” said Jan Gerber, CEO of the clinic. “One in two men is suffering from problems that meet the criteria of addiction due to the consumption of pornography, and one in four women is suffering,” he said, expressing concern, “Especially for teenagers under the age of 18, the figure has exceeded 60 %.”

In response to this criticism, the British Christian charity CARE called it a “shocking shame” and stressed the need for stricter regulations on online pornography to protect teenagers.

“This report exhibits a remarkable range of pornography consumption and addiction in our society, including children,” said Louise Davies, CARE’s policy director. “The impact of pornography on children and young people is of great concern to many people, including parents, child experts and human rights groups.”

“Sex crimes in particular have connection to violent pornography.” The “enormous fear” surrounding artificial intelligence must be taken care of urgently,” he said. “The British government must review the legal blind spot. It is up to political leaders to maintain the momentum for change,” he emphasized.

He added, “We can no longer allow the pornography industry to act with impunity. To act to lead to the protection of vulnerable groups is a moral obligation.” According to an earlier survey conducted by polling agency Savanta, 8 out of 10 British adults strongly support age verification on pornographic websites. (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive)

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. (Colossians 3:5,16)

Thank you, God, for Christian organizations that speak out not to leave the next generation addicted to pornography in sin, and to the lust of the flesh. However, let us fight with the gospel and prayer believing in the power of the cross to renew our sinful nature and humbly admit that severe punishment is no fundamental solution. When the gospel of the cross is heard by the sinful soul, pray that they would put to death whatever belongs to their earthly nature, as their spirit is filled with the words of the Lord, and receive a new life that praises the Lord with holiness.

Prayer 24·365

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