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[Costa Rica] Evangelical Alliance Federation Holds Training for Pastors to Prevent Money Laundering

▲ 출처: Unsplash 사진캡처

“Turn my heart toward your statutes, so that you may be feared.”

The Christian Daily International (CDI) of the United States reported on the 25th (local time) that the Costa Rican Evangelical Alliance Federation held a training event to provide legal and financial support tools to pastors to prevent increased attempts of using churches for money laundering by criminals in Costa Rica.

Christian Daily International reported that about 250 pastors and church representatives from across Costa Rica attended the event, and legal and financial experts, including Pastor Ronald Vargas (President of the Evangelical Alliance), Attorney Raul Escalante (Constitutional lawyer), and Prosecutor and Legal Advisor Henry Gonzalez delivered lectures.

It said a recent drug money laundering incident in Costa Rica triggered the training event. Barboza Pilarte, known as a false pastor, was arrested by Costa Rica’s Judicial Investigation Agency on charges of using the tithes and offerings of his church as a front to legitimise the illicit funds.

In response, the Evangelical Alliance Federation strongly criticised, “Such actions of leaders seriously damage the reputation of the churches and our community.”  Pastor Ronald Vargas explained the importance of the initiative and emphasised, “The Evangelical Alliance Federation is committed to helping the church operate transparently and responsibly. As children of God, we have a duty to deal with everything transparently.”

The event also featured a video message from Laura Fernandez, Minister of the Presidency, who affirmed the Evangelical Alliance Federation for promoting exemplary fiscal management practices. “On behalf of the Government of the Republic, we are pleased that the Evangelical Alliance Federation promotes these initiatives that encourage good practices. You can count on our support to continue working together for a better Costa Rica,” said Fernandez.

“We are prepared to work closely with the church to provide the necessary financial support,” said Jose Mario Ruiz, general counsel for tax affairs at the Treasury Department. Speakers at the event then offered various strategies and practical advice from a legal and financial perspective to ensure pastors properly manage church finances.

Christian Daily International said the event is seen as a significant step forward by the Evangelical Alliance Federation of Costa Rica in its efforts to ensure transparent and secure resource management in religious communities. (Source: Christian Daily Roundup).

Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared. (Psalms 119:36-38)

God, may You rebuke criminal organisations that set up a church with the malicious purpose of money laundering, pretending to be a pastor, and using tithes and offerings illegally. But may You have mercy for this land. May this time be used for churches to awake and keep holiness and godliness as the body of Christ and establish the word of the Lord in Costa Rican pastors so that they may be in awe of the Lord. Thus, let the tithes and offerings that saints brought with love and dedication be used wholly for the gospel of the Lord and for the works the Lord delights so that the day nations return to God may come to pass.

Prayer 24·365

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